
Wednesday, September 17, 2008


This is the first strong and direct ad against McCain that the Obama campaign has put out. After McCain used lies and deception over and over again, the Obama campaign had no choice. So, for that reason, I’m glad to see this ad, though if John McCain would just stop his trashy ads, then maybe all ads could be positive. Fat chance. What I also find interesting is how this ad starts with basically the same question I blogged about recently.

Even Bush’s Machiavellian strategist, Karl Rove, has said that McCain’s gone too far. Emboldened, McCain and the Republicans now even lie about crowd size: They recently said a rally with Sarah Palin had 23,000 people when it actually had only a third that many people.

McCain’s strategy seems to be to distract people with nonsense, like claiming to be a “reformer”. He’s had 177 lobbyists on his campaign staff, and now he’s hired a Washington “super lobbyist” to fill positions in a potential McCain-Palin White House. It hardly seems likely that McCain could be a “reformer” if he’s relying on Washington lobbyists so much. Letting them choose potential regulators? Hardly reform.

Meanwhile, the folks over at Talking Points Memo have issued a video effectively exposing the deception of McCain’s running mate who still makes the claim that she stopped the “bridge to nowhere” when, in fact, she fully supported it until it became a national joke. Making a claim in her acceptance speech, even though the claim was wrong, is one thing. Repeating that false claim when it’s been exposed as untrue is another. Continuing to repeat an untruth—as she did just yesterday—when the fact she’s doing it has also been exposed makes her either reckless or a deliberate liar.

Could it be that McCain, Palin and the Republicans have subscribed to the old truism that if you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it’s the truth? McCain/Palin’s campaign tactics are just more of the same culture of dishonesty and division that the Bush-Cheney regime has used for the last eight years. We don’t need more of the same.

I subscribe to the YouTube Channels for Barack Obama and TPM, but I only occasionally post their videos here. The way things are going, I may have to do it more often.


Michael in Stuttgart said...

How can anybody really want someone in power who truely believes that the end times are near, that God "tells" her what to do, someone who tries to ban books from libraries without having read or seen them (http://www.queer.de/detail.php?article_id=9346) "I don't need to read such trash"

In my country they once started to ban books and to burn them. They also felt inspired and led by higher spiritual powers and a gruesome ideology.

I really hope that the American people is smarter than we were, that they don't believe the lies like we did.

Arthur Schenck said...

I hope the same things, Michael. I actually wrote about the book thing a few days ago, and it really worries me when people start talking about banning them.

When I visited Berlin in 1994, one of the spots I visited was the spot where the Nazis held their infamous public bookburning, including the library of Magnus Hirschfeld's Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, which is what was burning in the newsreels most people see.

That "old truism" I mentioned was actually Nazi philosophy. I didn't mention the origin of the phrase in the post because I wasn't trying to brand McCain/Palin as "Nazis", because they're not. Their attitudes—especially Palin's—are dangerous and even fascist in at least some ways. What worries me more than these two are some of the people who are behind them, which is where I think the real danger is.