
Monday, March 26, 2007

The stuck record

Someone get Dick Cheney a new writer. Seriously. He says the same thing over and over and over and over and each time it sounds as stupid, idiotic and morally and intellectually bankrupt as the first time he said it.

The AP reported:

Vice President Dick Cheney on Saturday accused the Democrat-led House [of Representatives] of not supporting troops in Iraq and of sending a message to terrorists that America will retreat in the face danger.

He and his neocon buddies just don’t get it: America has had enough of their lies and distortions. They lied to get America into their war, they lied to keep America there and they’re lying now about their war’s future.

They say 20—no, wait, 25—no, wait—maybe 30, or maybe tens of thousands more troops are needed, then that will finally bring stability and the troops can come home. Yeah, right. They didn’t have a plan for dealing with Iraq after their invasion ended and they don’t have one now. How long will American troops be there? “As long as it takes,” they say. Weeks? Months? Years? Decades? Cheney doesn’t have a clue.

And that’s the real problem, isn’t it? Cheney and his cohorts don’t have a clue. So they resort to spewing propaganda lines over and over in the hope that people will be fooled again. No such luck Dick and Karl.

The thing about propaganda is that sooner or later the lies become transparent. That makes it increasingly easier to oppose them. The years of lies and distortions have finally caught up with this administration and no one buys their bullshit.

And the bullshit sticks to George Bush, too, of course. If he seriously thinks he can defy Congressional demands that his aides testify then he’s more deluded than I’d have thought possible. He simply can’t win in the long run.

Even if he wins the battle with a court ruling in his favour (which is possible—after all, George only became president when the Supreme Court installed him), he’ll lose the war at home, facing solid majorities in both houses of Congress opposing him. Why? Because it won’t just be the Democrats opposing him, but also savvy Republicans who can read the public mood—and keep an eye on their own re-election campaigns.

The Dick and George Show may have just under 22 months to go, but it’ll be a stormy time. It makes it all the more imperative that Congress, the states and individual citizens keep their eyes on the current administration to keep them from damaging America any more than they already have.

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